Deep Relaxation for Frontliners 

You answered the call to serve, now answer the call to rest.

This educational and restorative workshop was designed with the intention to give frontliners what they need the most right now- nourishment. Relaxation IS accessible, you just need the knowledge and skills to get there. Give yourself permission to slow down and unwind.

Are you ready to let go of Do-ing? 

Sign Up Now

About This Workshop

This course will help you develop increased self-awareness around energetic boundaries and making the most of your downtime, using evidence based methods from contemplative science that will teach you How to relax. These life altering practical tools will support enhanced vitality as you decompress. If you want to get grounded And create a sense of spaciousness, this workshop is for you. When you reconnect to a state of inner stillness and security, you naturally access your full potential to thrive- not just survive.

There is much you can’t control, but you can Choose to dedicate time to replenish and nurture your Self. You give so much to others, now is the time to offer yourself that same patience and compassion. You have the power to break the pattern of overworking, to become a person that is calm and focused—a person who honors their limits. No one else can do it for you, you alone must be proactive about scheduling this time for yourself.

Participants Of This Course Will..

Define relaxation through the lens of contemplative science.

āž¾  Study and practice skills for adaptive resilience and healing from burnout and trauma.

āž¾  Understand how rest as self-care facilitates compassionate care on the frontlines.

āž¾  Experience a relaxing body scan meditation in a trauma-informed contemporary adaptation of the ancient tradition of yoga nidra.

What You Get

  • 2.5 hours of video teachings
  • 35 minute guided relaxation practice in audio form available for download
  • Journal Prompts for each section (optional)
  • Powerpoint Slides to print and take notes on
  • 3 CEUs for Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners provided by Debriefing the Front Lines, Inc. Provider Number LT-0308-0621
  • Deep Relaxation for Frontliners Workshop is powered by CMEfy – an AI-assisted platform that directs learners along a pathway to capture reflections at the point of inspiration, at the point of care. Clinicians may earn CME/CE credit at the point of care via ReflectCE, the accredited activity portal. Unlike traditional CE, CMEfy allows you to nudge learners to reflect and earn rewards from a variety of impromptu, unstructured learning experiences, as well as scheduled programming. Learn more at

Course Modules

  • Section 1: What is Relaxation?- Intro to Polyvagal Theory
  • Section 2: Regulating the Nervous System
  • Section 3: Sensory Perception & Emotional Regulation
  • Section 4: Adaptive Resilience: Perspective & Autonomic Reorganization
  • Section 5: Interpersonal Neurobiology &    Co-Regulation: Why Relaxing Makes You A Better Frontliner
  • Section 6: Yoga Nidra Origins & Science
  • Section 7: Brainwaves & Neuroplasticity
  • Section 8: Preparation & The Practice- How To Relax

Meet Your Teacher 

“I spent 2.5 years with patients in end-of-life settings. Being so close to death drained me of my essence. At the end of most days by the bedside, I barely had the energy to stand. This guided relaxation practice healed me when I felt like I had nothing else left to give. I created this course because these are all the tools that I personally used during my time serving in burn, palliative, hospice, and pediatrics. I have curated these particular skills to share with frontliners from my 21 years of studying yoga and other mind-body therapy techniques. These practices help me get back in my body after a long day taking care of others.”

– Jamie Smith

Click here for full teacher bio.

This Course Is For You If:


āž¾ You’re ready to listen to the voice inside of you begging you to slow down.

āž¾  You know you need to relax more but you can’t seem to set aside the time.

āž¾   Continuing Education credits for lying on the floor in a quiet dark room sounds appealing to you. 

āž¾  You are interested in learning the value of rest and how that applies to your work as a frontliner. 

āž¾  You want to understand how rest can be productive. 

āž¾  You feel like a human Do-ing instead of a human Be-ing. 

āž¾  You are amazing at taking care of others but need to be better about taking care of yourself. 

āž¾  You consider yourself a compassionate person but want to learn practical tools for providing “compassionate care.”

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